Construction worker holding injured knee in pain.

It is possible to hurt a knee, foot, or ankle in many different ways. The top causes of these types of injuries include some of the most common workplace accidents.

The Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index outlined the leading causes of workplace injuries, including:

  • Overexertion
  • Falls
  • Bodily reactions
  • Being caught or compressed in something
  • Repetitive motions

These are just some of the most common workplace accidents that can hurt the knees, feet, and ankles – crucial body parts that allow you to work and enjoy mobility.

Types of Workplace Knee Injuries

The knee is the largest joint in the body and is made up of bones and soft tissues, including collaterals, cruciate ligaments, and menisci. All of these interconnected parts are prone to acute injuries (sudden accidents) and can be damaged as a result of chronic stress placed on the knee.

Some of the most common types of knee injuries that result from a sudden accident include:

  • Sprains, strains, or other injuries to the soft tissue as a result of twisting the knee too far or turning the knee in an unsafe way.
  • Torn meniscus. A fall, slip, or trip can all tear the meniscus.
  • Torn ligaments. The most common injury to the knee is a medial collateral ligament (MCL) tear. It is also possible to tear the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL).
  • Broken or fractured bones, including a fractured kneecap, broken femur, broken tibia, or broken fibula. These types of injuries normally occur as a result of severe twisting, abnormal or severe force such as a hard fall, or the knee being hit hard by an object.
  • Dislocation of the kneecap.

Some of the most common types of overuse injuries that affect the knee include:

  • Bursitis. Inflammation of the small fluid sacs that provide lubrication and cushioning in the knee.
  • Iliotibial band syndrome. Inflammation of the fibrous tissue along the outside of the thigh.
  • Tendinitis. Inflammation of the tendons in the knee.
  • Tendinosis. Small tears that occur in the tendons of the knee.
  • Plica syndrome. Thickening of the ligaments of the knee or folding of the ligaments.
  • Patellofemoral pain syndrome. Discomfort that occurs in the front of the knee, ordinarily due to overuse or other damage to the kneecap.

Ankle Injuries and Workers’ Compensation

As WebMD reports, 25,000 people in the United States sprain their ankles each day, many of them while they are doing their jobs or performing required work duties. Sprains are not the only type of injury that can occur in the ankle.

Some of the common types of workplace ankle injuries include:

  • Bone fractures. The tibia, fibula, and talus all meet in the ankle. One or more of these bones can break if the ankle twists very hard the wrong way or if force is applied to the ankle.
  • Tendinitis. This type of injury occurs when the tendons around the joints of the ankle become irritated or inflamed, often as a result of overuse. Both posterior tibial tendinitis and Achilles tendinitis can affect the ankle.
  • Cartilage damage. The cartilage in the ankle can be damaged as a result of a severe sprain or a bone fracture.
  • Sprains or strains. When the soft tissue of the ankle, including the ligaments and joints, are damaged as a result of rolling, twisting, or turning the ankle, a sprain or strain can result.

Workers’ Compensation for Foot Injuries

Foot injuries can result from prolonged standing, blunt trauma, or a host of other accidents in the workplace.

Some of the most common types of foot injuries include:

  • Crushed or broken feet. This workplace injury can occur when feet get caught in machinery, run over by heavy objects or moving vehicles, or trapped in a machine or conveyor belt.
  • Punctured foot. The soles of the feet may be punctured by sharp objects in the workplace, such as broken glass or loose nails.
  • Broken bones. Feet and toes have many bones that can break in workplace accidents as a result of being crushed or twisted.
  • Amputation. Feet may be amputated as a result of being caught in a machine or other serious accident. Sometimes, when a foot is crushed or severely injured, surgical amputation may be necessary.
  • Burns. Chemical splashes can cause burns on the feet, as can exposure to fire or other heat sources.
  • Hypothermia. If you are exposed to extreme cold in your job, then you are at risk of frostbite on your feet which could result in lost toes.
  • Cuts or lacerations. Sharp objects or machinery can cause cuts on the foot.

Suffered an Ankle, Knee, or Foot Injury at Work? Talk to Our Savannah Lawyers Today

When you injure your feet, ankles, or knees, you may experience significant pain as well as many ongoing health problems that require expensive medical care and make work difficult or impossible. Georgia workers’ compensation laws make employers responsible for paying the costs of virtually all workplace injuries, including those to the ankles, feet, or knees.

To learn more about how Parsons Law Group, can assist you after you’ve suffered an injury at work, contact us now, or fill out our online contact form for a free and confidential claim review. We return calls within 24 hours from our offices in Atlanta and Savannah.
