Thousands of railroad workers are injured or killed in work-related accidents each year. Many workers develop occupational illnesses that are fatal or debilitating. However, railroad workers are not covered by state workers’ compensation insurance. Instead, an injured railroad employee is protected under the Federal Employers’ Liability Act (FELA).

With decades of experience, our workers’ compensation lawyer has extensive experience and resources to pursue claims. Our law firm has recovered over $100 million in jury verdicts and negotiated settlements for our clients. We are a member of the Million Dollar Advocates Forum.

Contact Parsons Law Group to schedule a free consultation with an experienced Atlanta & Savannah railroad workplace injury attorney.

How Parsons Law Group Can Help You With a Railroad Workplace Accident Claim in Georgia

Even though railroad workers have dangerous jobs, they do not give up their right to a safe work environment. At Parsons Law Group, our legal team aggressively pursues claims for injured workers. We fight to hold the parties responsible for their injuries liable for the damages caused by a railroad accident.

When you hire our Atlanta & Savannah workers’ compensation attorneys, you can trust we will:

  • Thoroughly investigate your injury at work to determine what caused your railroad injury
  • Gather evidence proving what happened, including working with the leading experts in the field as necessary
  • Calculate how much your case is worth after documenting your damages
  • File claims against all parties responsible for your railroad injury and handle matters related to those claims
  • Negotiate a fair settlement based on your damages
  • Go to trial if settlement is not in your best interest

Our lead attorney has over 27 years of experience. He has perfect 10.0 ratings with Avvo and Justia. We are respected by our peers and have earned a reputation of being fierce advocates for the rights of injured workers.

Call Parsons Law Group to schedule a free case evaluation with an experienced Atlanta & Savannah railroad workplace accident attorney.

Common Railroad Worker Injuries in Georgia

Railroad workers sustain many types of injuries on the job. The most common railroad worker injuries include:

  • Crushing injuries
  • Severe burns
  • Exposure to toxic chemicals
  • Hearing loss
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Amputations and loss of limbs
  • Neck and back injuries
  • Soft tissue injuries
  • Run over by a train or equipment
  • Electrical injuries
  • Internal organ damage
  • Lead poisoning
  • Paralysis and spinal cord injury
  • Respiratory injuries and/or lung cancer
  • Crushed, fractured, and broken bones
  • Repetitive motion injuries

If you are injured as an on-duty railroad worker, seek immediate medical care for your injuries. Go to the emergency room for care or see a doctor of your choice. It is crucial to receive prompt medical care to avoid worsening your injuries and document them for a claim.

Tell your doctor you were injured at work, but workers’ compensation does not cover you. Instead, federal laws protect your rights as an injured railroad worker. Having an experienced FELA attorney handle matters like these can be extremely helpful.

What Causes Railroad Accidents That Injure On-Duty Railroad Workers?

Even when everything goes correctly, workers can be injured. Many aspects of railroad work are dangerous. Common causes of injuries to railroad workers include:

  • Malfunctioning and defective equipment
  • Struck by/caught in between objects
  • Repetitive motions/overexertion
  • Negligent railroad employees, subcontractors, and other third parties
  • Failure to provide safety equipment and tools
  • Dangerous and hazardous working conditions
  • Inadequate training
  • Using drugs/alcohol on the job
  • Human error
  • Electrocution and electrical accidents
  • Unprotected railroad crossings
  • Derailments
  • Failure to conduct regular maintenance and inspections
  • Slip, trip, and fall accidents
  • Damaged and/or defective tracks

This list is only a fraction of how railroad workers are injured on the job. Moving trains and equipment can be extremely dangerous for workers. Extreme caution and focus while working are essential to reduce the risk of injuries and accidents.

The Federal Employers Liability Act and Injured Railroad Workers in Atlanta & Savannah, GA

Congress passed FELA in 1908 to ensure railroad workers had a safe working environment. The legislation was in response to the thousands of railroad workers being injured and killed on the job. The law requires railroads to provide safe working conditions.

If a railroad fails to meet its standard of care, it can be held responsible if a worker is injured. FELA requires railroads to compensate injured railroad workers if the railroad, its employees, officers, or subcontractors negligently cause the worker’s injuries. The railroad may also be liable for failing to provide safe tools, appliances, and equipment. Violations of the following laws are also reasons to hold a railroad responsible for a railroad worker’s injuries:

  • OSHA regulations
  • Federal Rail Safety Act
  • Safety Appliance Act
  • Power Brake Law
  • Federal Locomotive Safety Standards
  • Hours of service rules
  • Locomotive/Boiler Inspection Act

FELA injury claims allow for compensation for damages not covered by state workers’ compensation. Therefore, injured railroad workers may receive more compensation for a railroad workplace injury claim under FELA than they would under the Georgia workers’ compensation system.

However, you must sue the railroad and other responsible parties to recover compensation. As the injured worker, you have the burden of proving negligence or other wrongdoing to recover money for your claim. Proving negligence can be challenging. Hiring an experienced railroad injury attorney gives you the best chance of winning your case. 

What Compensation Is Available for a Georgia Railroad Worker Injured on the Job?

FELA allows injured railroad workers to recover compensation for their economic and non-economic damages. A claim against your employer and other responsible parties could result in damages, including:

  • Reasonable and necessary medical treatment
  • Rehabilitative therapy and care
  • Pain and suffering
  • Lost wages and benefits
  • Diminished earning capacity
  • Loss of enjoyment of life and quality of life
  • Vocational rehabilitation
  • Scarring and disfigurement
  • Out-of-pocket expenses
  • Impairments and disabilities

The value of a FELA claim depends on the factors of your case. Because FELA is not workers’ compensation, your fault can impact the value of your claim. If you are partially to blame for causing your railroad injury, your damages could be reduced by your level of fault.

Our legal team works with you, your doctors, and experts to maximize the value of damages to obtain the best possible outcome for your claim.

Schedule a Free Consultation With Our Atlanta & Savannah Workers’ Compensation Attorneys

Railroad accidents can cause catastrophic injuries and financial hardships. Our Atlanta & Savannah workers’ compensation attorneys at Parsons Law Group help injured railroad workers seek the compensation they need and deserve. Call our office to schedule your free consultation with an attorney.