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Personal Injury

Our Atlanta and Savannah personal injury lawyers can help you get the money you deserve if someone else is at fault in a car, motorcycle, or truck accident.

Car & Truck Accidents

Retaining our firm shows insurance companies that you are serious about pursuing your car accident injury claim. A serious car accident can emotionally and physically drain you and your loved ones. We handle all details so that you can focus on recovering. Our team preserves accident evidence and interviews witnesses. Our team ensures that documents are filled out correctly. Let us deal with difficult and unsympathetic insurance adjusters on your behalf. We are here to help you with our knowledge and experience.

Worker’s Compensation

A worker who is injured on the job is entitled to weekly payments and free medical care. Insurance companies will try to hide your rights, even telling you that you must see their preferred doctor. You can choose your own doctor from a list provided by your employer. If your employer does not have such a list of doctors, you may choose your own doctor.

Feel free to contact us if you are unhappy with your treatment after being injured on the job or being fired.

Product Liability

Our legal team may be able to help you if you have been injured by a defective automobile design, tainted food, children’s toys, or any other dangerous product.

It may be possible to file a product liability claim when an unsafe product causes a serious injury.

In Georgia, manufacturers are strictly liable for injuries caused by their products. If a product is defectively designed, manufactured, or lacked adequate warnings, an injured consumer or worker must demonstrate that the defect caused the injury.


Reflex sympathetic dystrophy (RSD) and complex regional pain syndrome (CRPS) are terrible diagnoses and incurable conditions. However, medical devices can benefit your condition despite being very expensive.

Insurance companies do not want to pay for these expensive devices, but we are here to help. Call us today to discuss spinal cord stimulators and other medical breakthroughs that may help you with RSD or CRPS.

Railroad Injuries

We have successfully handled claims against CSX Transportation, Norfolk Southern, Burlington Northern, Union Pacific, Amtrak, and short-line railroads across the Northeast.

Motorcycle Accidents

An injured motorcyclist often requires expensive medical treatment after a crash. After an accident, they may be forced to take time off work or may not be able to work at all. The victim may be in pain and unable to do the things they enjoyed before the accident. In the most tragic cases, the victim does not survive the accident.

All of these losses must be compensated by the person responsible for the accident. The term damages includes economic loss (medical bills and lost wages, for instance) and non-economic loss (pain and suffering, emotional distress, and wrongful death, among others).

You may be entitled to compensation when someone else’s negligence or carelessness causes a motorcycle accident. A claim for damages may be supported by police reports, witness statements, statements from those involved in the accident, and the testimony of an accident reconstruction expert. Making a claim and determining who should be held responsible can be challenging. A knowledgeable and experienced legal advocate should represent your interests.

Contact Us Today

We provide personalized and aggressive representation when you suffer an injury in Georgia. Our Atlanta accident lawyers at Parsons Law Group can help you protect your rights after an accident. Your rights will be explained to you by a lawyer at Parsons Law Group To protect your rights, you must file your claim within a certain period. Prompt action is essential. To learn more about how we can help you, call us at (770) 766-0135, or fill out our online contact form to schedule a free consultation.