Exterior of an amazon facility
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If you work at Amazon, you likely already know that Amazon facilities see a much higher rate of employee injuries and their effects on workers. A 2019 study found that Amazon workers were injured almost twice as often as workers at other warehouses. In 2023, The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) launched investigations at Amazon facilities in Colorado, Idaho, and New York.  

If you or someone you know has been injured while working at Amazon, contact a Georgia workers’ compensation attorney today to understand your rights.

The Rising Threat: Understanding Slip, Trip, and Fall Injuries in Amazon Facilities

Premises liability is an area of law involving slipping and falling on a premises other than your home. Usually, water or spilled liquids account for the falls. Amazon warehouses are vast, and it’s not surprising that workers get injured there so much, from falls and other problems. Serious injuries occur almost 80% more often at Amazon facilities than any other similar kinds of workplaces.

According to Business Insider, these are the most common injuries at Amazon facilities:

Typical Causes of Injuries in Amazon Warehouses

Statistics show that twenty-five percent of all injuries at warehouses are caused by falls, and there are ninety-five million work days lost every year as a result.

You know how you can order something from Amazon and get it the next day? Well, Amazon workers pay a steep price for that. Speed is overemphasized at the Amazon facilities. The U.S. Attorney’s office in New York has actually launched a formal investigation into safety issues and they acknowledge that the speed of work at the warehouses needs scrutiny. 

For Amazon employees, constant lifting, walking, and using their hands at a fast pace really impacts their health in the form of serious injuries. The recent OSHA investigation noted that injuries were caused by:

  • Repeatedly lifting packages
  • The weight of the packages
  • Workers bending and twisting awkwardly while handling boxes
  • Lengthy periods of time working 

These facts are alarming and anyone exposed to these kinds of hazards should be aware of what to do in case of an injury at work.

Georgia Worker’s Comp Laws: What Injured Amazon Workers Need to Know

Navigating the claims process after a fall or other injury at a Georgia Amazon facility should be overseen by an attorney in order to get the maximum benefit. According to the Georgia State Board of Workers Compensation, if you are injured and it requires you to be out of work for at least a week, you need to report it to your employer immediately so an insurance claim may be started. The upside is that your medical treatment will be covered, and you will receive two-thirds of your average weekly pay.

Getting the Help You Need: Contact a GA Workers’ Compensation Attorney Today

Employers often try to deny workers’ compensation claims or put an injured employee back to work too soon. To ensure your rights are protected, contact the experienced workers’ compensation law firm of Parsons Law Group. We can protect your rights. Contact us today.